I have had a whole week now to consider this roof problem and I didn't come up with a solution. I got used to the thought, the panic left and what remains is a slight feeling of unease. I have spent whole days looking for answers but in the end I had to accept that there is definitely not a lot I can do about the whole thing. I can either go mad while it rains in the attic or I can let it rain inside, trying to remain calm. The effect will be the same. Wet. So I think I'll just opt for the second. With going to Austria for the rest of the month I have to leave the roof behind anyway and shouldn't charge my mind with thinking too much of what might happen. When I get there tomorrow I'll see if things turned any worse over the week I've been away and I'll fix what I can (buckets and plastic sheet ..) but that's it. I can not avoid this problem for long, with autumn and winter ahead I sure have to get the roof repaired, no matter what. I guess the only way is to apply for a mortgage, just I'm not so sure the bank will cooperate. After all, the house is in desolate condition and not of much value for the bank. But again, I'll wait until next month before I start worrying. Wish me luck in remaining calm over the weekend, whatever awaits me there. I hope to be able to go to Austria without worrying all the time …

(Can you believe … this is all I'm gonna take with me for a fortnight in the mountains ... I want to avoid having to check in luggage, it steals so much time waiting for that stuff after arrival. I love to travel light …)
Take care, all of you out there!
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