28 October 2009


i walked
he wouldn't come along.
complaining about my speed

i waited
i went back

…back and forth, back and forth…

i offered my hand
he wouldn't take it
complaining about my direction

…forward, always forward…

he walked in circles
he lost direction

too absorbed in the past
to let go
to go anywhere at all

too occupied with the future
to even see me
in the present

from where I couldn't reach him
from where I couldn't leave

…don't do this, don't make me do this…

i explained
he wouldn't listen
complaining about my aims

…never enough, never good enough…

he wouldn't talk
he wouldn't try

too scared of the moment
to see me
walk away


Anonymous said...

I like it Lilli.

simply...lilli! said...

Thanks, Stef. A somewhat delayed reflection on a relationship I've been in for a decade and a half. Three years after breaking up I finally came to a certain understanding of how we've been heading for different directions most of that time... conflicting realities.

steafanhanveymusic@gmail.com said...

It's a long time time to be with someone all the same. Nicely expressed.