01 December 2008

To be free ...

I've taken the quote down below from Paulo Coelho's 'Warrior of Light' today – one of my all-time favourite books – because it is so true for me these days!

The Warrior Is Free

"The warrior hears someone say: 'I need to understand everything before I can make a decision. I want to have the freedom to change my mind.'
The warrior regards these words suspiciously. He too can enjoy that freedom, but this does not prevent him from taking on a commitment, even if he does not know quite why he does so.
A warrior of light makes decisions. His soul is as free as the clouds in the sky, but he is committed to his dream. On his freely chosen path, he often has to get up earlier than he would like, speak to people from whom he learns nothing, make certain sacrifices.
His friends say: 'You're not free.'
The warrior is free. But he knows that an open oven bakes no bread."

That "someone" talking to the warrior may just be my own inner voice ... sometimes I should clearly NOT listen to it but follow my heart instead –it always speaks the truth. Yes, a lot of times I end up speaking to people from whom I learn nothing ... but there is always others, and for that I'm forever grateful. Sometimes making a commitment is the only way there. Sometimes I have to focus on what I need most urgently, what is the most important for me at that very moment ... I may have to disregard countless alternatives and choices on offer to be able to do what is best for me ... making a decision and a commitment and not doubt or question it. If it comes from my heart and not from fear, from a place bigger than myself maybe, it will always guide me towards the right action.
There are times when I have to shut out my own intellect and understanding, when thinking only leads to confusion and staying focused and quiet enough to follow that call that leads me out of myself – away from my "lesser" self, towards some kind of "big mind" – are the only ways I'll ever manage to "get my bread baked" ... it takes focus, decision, commitment ... I see that now. What it takes most of all is the right spirit, the courage to go ahead, which might just be the most difficult for me to achieve ... ah, I'm a stumbling warrior at times ... I fear, I falter, I fall ... doing my best to get up again and simply walk on ... determined, yet free!

1 comment:

Wait. What? said...

Lilli this is beautiful!!!
Always believe your heart!